(fireworks popping) (fireworks popping) (fireworks popping) (fireworks popping) (fireworks popping) - Chapter 13, at play in the fields of the Lord. Ev returned with Dave and Vanessa to the river that morning, and for the first time in two days, Dennis and I were alone, and the atmosphere was one of calm. I busied myself sorting through and arranging the equipment. Our campsite was again spic and span. Dennis was alternately calm or into long harangs on a supra-cosmic scale, a la the star maker of Olaf Stapleton. He imitated, personified, described, and otherwise invoked immense Gnostic and Manichean entities that were struggling on a cosmic scale, but not without humor, occasionally moaning out that he felt like an old Mandaean. Then he would collapse with laughter at this cleverness. I sat in my hammock and verbally participated as much as I could in all of this, though it was clear that Dennis had no difficulty in maintaining a conversation on his own. In fact, he seemed to have hit the main vein of the fountain of sprung verse. I closed my eyes for a moment, and there, fully formed beneath my eyelids, was the first of what I call teachings or messages. It was a beautiful recursive geometric form. The voice in my mind informed me that this was the Valentine curve, obviously the four petals of the curve look somewhat like a valentine or a bleeding heart. I thought for an instant of the heart-shaped fruit I had fashioned into a water pipe, no obvious connection, the image slid. I went and got my notebook and drew the valentine curve. At first crudely, later much more smoothly, it made me think of Basil Valentine, an alchemist, author of the triumphal chariot of antinomy. I had read the book, but could remember virtually nothing about it. I thought too of Valentinus, Alexandrian Gnostic of the second century, and his doctrine that the material world was the condensed emotion of the errant Sophia, who had selfishly created a universe without undergoing any union, but with herself. The condensation of emotion into matter, the theme was hair-raising. It was the theme that had brought us to the Amazon, and alchemy was the gnosis of material transformation. Clues seemed everywhere. Everything was webbed together in a magical fabric of meaning and affirmation and mystery. Thoughts and ideas of all sorts formed in my mind unbidden, and would lead inevitably to some further expansion of the set of themes that we had organized our lives around. The first day, the voice inside my head suggested that I set out the record I had kept for several years of my I Ching throws, it having been for several years my habit to throw the I Ching at each new and full moon, and to record the throws on a slip of paper, which I kept inside the back cover of my copy. At the prompting of the inner voice, I went through this record of throws, looking for an instance when I had thrown the first hexagram. Finding that, I returned to the beginning of the list, looking now for a record of the second hexagram being thrown, and so on. My list of throws covered three years and contained about 80 throws and their changes. After about a half hour of this exercise, I had determined that according to my record, I had thrown all of the 64 hexagrams in the three years leading up to that moment. This mildly interesting unlikelihood was very significant seeming to me. It proved that I had a kind of secret identity that I was in the process of uncovering. It proved that I was somehow a reflection of the microcosm and had been chosen somehow to be in the situation in which I found myself. I was extremely agitated at this personal verification of the ordered pattern whose design I was discovering everywhere in my life. I composed myself, and then at the strong prompting of the inner wave of understanding, I quietly burned the record of my I Ching throws. It was a very uncharacteristic thing for me to do. Dennis watched all of this and then delivered himself of but one of the many riddles that he was to propound over the next few days. "What can you do with a hole in a stick that you can't do with a stick in a hole?" He bellowed across the sandy expanse to where I stood by the fire. The answer involved the idea that a pipe was the vehicle of dimensional travel, and that was what you could do. And thus the first day of the reversal passed. A reasonable conclusion would have been to suppose that Dennis was toxically schizophrenic and that we should leave the Amazon. What muddied the water considerably was me, because I was comparatively normal except for one thing. I insisted that everything was all right and that Dennis somehow knew exactly what he was doing. It was okay, I insisted. He had done what he set out to do, and now people should try to relax. The reason I felt this way was because it had become very clear that though I had not known anything about how he had done the experiment or the theory, that from the dawn moment when we had piled out of our hammocks to look at the mushroom, something was very bizarre about me. Something had happened to me, it was true. I was in a very strange place. It was because of having close contact with the thing that was like a teacher. It let me know things. Beyond any possibility of argument, I knew things which I couldn't possibly know. Ev had gone through the experiment, but nothing at all had happened to her. The other people seemed very distant. They couldn't understand at all what was happening and preferred to reject us. Everyone behaved oddly. Everyone thought everyone else was crazy, but everyone relative to their own normal behavior behaved very oddly. The main thing the teacher said was, "Do not worry, do not worry, because there is something "that you have to get straight about. "Your brother will recover. "Your companions will take care of him. "Do not worry, but listen, you have to get this down." Within hours after the experiment, this started impinging on me, something that I must figure out. The next morning, Dennis seemed to me slightly more down to earth, but to a degree so slight over the day before that it was a matter of opinion whether he had made any improvement at all. I noticed with interest that while he seemed disoriented and his ideation was in structure as wild and woolly as ever, in content there had been a definite sort of improvement. On the day before, he had seemed to be spread over so vast an amount of space and time that there was little to be identified out of the cosmic churning that he was undergoing. The day before, to find even our own galaxy in his mind had been impossible. On the second day, he awoke within the galaxy and his visions and fantasies remained within it. Had that been the only instance of his telescoping back into himself, it would not be worth noting, but the fact was that each step of his return to a normal state of mind was accomplished this way. The day after he reached the confines of the galaxy, he entered the solar system, condensing through its planets over several days until he identified only with the earth. Coalescing and condensing through the ecology of his home world, he came to think of himself as all humanity and was able to vividly relive all of its history. Later still, he became the embodiment of all the members of our vast and peculiar Irish family. Again later, he was resolved down into only our immediate family. And from there to the resolution of the dualism involved in the question as to whether he was Dennis or Terence. And finally, and thankfully, he came to rest with the realization that he was Dennis, returned from the edge of the universe of mind, restored and reborn, a shaman in the fullest sense of the word. But that recovery was 20 days into the future from the morning of the 7th of March when we walked to the pasture, just as we had on the morning after the experiment. We walked to the top of a small rise on which grew a young tree. Ama, the Wetoto word for brother, had become one of the many new nicknames that Dennis had created for me. Now, as we walked along, we kept our eyes open for mushrooms as had become our habit, even though all thought of eating mushrooms was now behind us. Dennis strode ahead of me and made his way to this tree. Bending down and parting the grasses at the base of the tree, he pointed to the letters A-M-A carved in the bark. It was carving at least several years old. The incident was confusing. How had Dennis known the carving was there and what did it mean anyway? He answered my questions by sweeping his hand toward the dawn horizon and announcing that this was the planet Venus or the archetypal world of Venus. I had no idea which. These assertions that flew completely in the face of reason were very hard to take and would enkindle in me brief stabs of despair for his state of mind, though most of the time I was able to convince myself that he was improving and returning from the unseen world so vivid to him that he could see nothing else. The idea of the recreation of the scattered self as an alchemical act with immense personal and historical significance was the tack that I used in trying to direct the developing fantasy of my brother. Each morning for several days after the 5th of March, we would walk to the pasture and I would demand of him the stone. Neither of us perceived these goings-on through anything like the light of normal consciousness. The world seemed filled with a near-bending wonder and power that assured me that all things were possible and that the course of things in the light of this were moving in the right direction. Be amazed at nothing. You are to receive the kingship of the Father. I watched my own understanding of the connections between what we were doing and classical alchemy move by vast intuitive leaps to implicate Gerhard Dorn, Robert Flood, and Count Michael Mayer. The 36th emblem of Mayer's Atalanta Fugiennes is a wonderful visual pun that connects the cube of Stropharia Cubensis with the UFO, the hyperobject seen in the sky. It was an image that was constantly before me through those times. John Dee with his scrying stone and the hieroglyphic monad is mixed up in the same set of images. Why did this circle get deeper into the mystery than did their contemporaries and competition? Nicholas Flamel and his wife, their legendary love affair and their unknown end. Mutus Lieber, a couple working at a furnace. It almost looks as though they are drying mushrooms. Just how sophisticated did alchemy become before enlightenment science scattered the adepts and rendered their control language inoperable? So that in the pasture each foggy morning when I demanded of Dennis that he give me the philosopher's stone, it was both pressure upon him to reformulate his consciousness into a unity and a thing which served as the focus for the transference potential that was so intense as to again and again threaten to engulf us. Not sleeping, being awake constantly, I was in the world of the developing situation at La Charrera but also in another world into which my brother had become psychotopologically enmeshed, a world of a dimensional vortex beyond which seemed to be eternity, the land of the dead, all human history and the UFOs. It was a world whose unseen cybernetic chroniclers spoke telepathically in our minds and revealed that we and all humanity were in the act of becoming once again able to go between these dimensions and our own, to reestablish the eschatological shamanism, lost scores of millennia ago. At one point, I picked up a stick and in the sandy lateritic soil of our living area, I scratched the shorthand symbol for and, I called it the ampersand, and for me, it's binding fold in one corner of a quaternary structure was very satisfying. I began to imagine this symbol as the symbol of the hyperdimensional condensation come UFO. I spoke of it as the ampersand for several days. Then I called it the eschatron. This I imagined as a basic unit of time. The combination and resonance among the set of eschatons in the universe determined which of the possible worlds allowed by physics would actually undergo the formality of occurring. I also imagined that at the intuitively given end of time, all the eschatons would resonate together as a unity and thereby create an ontological transformation of reality. It was at this time that I had the first faint stirrings of thoughts that were to lead eventually to the quantified wave hierarchy of time that is so thoroughly discussed in the invisible landscape. These early intuitions bore no resemblance to the final theory, good that they did not, for at that time I would have been completely unable to understand the theory that I was finally to propound. It took years of reading and self-education to keep track of the things that the internal voice was saying. It had a holistic and system-oriented way of approaching things that did seem to be slightly of another order, not enough to be alarming, but enough to again and again remind me that the ideas I was producing were coming fully organized from somewhere else, and I was nothing more than a message decipherer, hard-pressed to keep up with a difficult incoming code. Occasionally, I would seem to catch the mechanics of what was happening to us in action, and from such experiences, I concluded that whatever it was that was happening, part of it involved all the information that we had ever accumulated, down to the most trivial details, so that it seemed that something, something with overtones of being from outer space or from another dimension, was contacting us and doing it through the peculiar means of using every thought in our heads to lead us into telepathically-induced scenarios of extravagant imagining or deep theoretical understanding of things or in-depth scanning of strange times, places, and worlds. The source of this unearthly contact was the Stropharia Cubensis and our experiment. Our collective intelligence was not compromised, but what was compromised was the ability to reason, to give a coherent account of what was going on as paradox, coincidence, and general synchronistic strangeness began to asymptotically increase, and into the vacuum left by the collapse of reason rushed a staggering array of exotic intuitions about why things were as they were. (gentle music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) On the morning of the third day following the experiment, shortly after breakfast, Dennis announced a new teaching. This was that one could see any point in time by closing one's eyes, visualizing an eight, turning it on its side so as to approximate the sign for infinity, then mentally sliding the two closed rings over each other to form a circle, then shrinking the circle to a dot and thinking the word please and the target point in space time. Usually I knew not whence these images came to him. However, this time I was amazed for I recalled with perfect clarity that six weeks before, shortly before I left Vancouver, British Columbia, where I was then living, I had gone to a dentist as part of the standard pre-travel tune-up. While in the waiting room, I had read a several months old journal of some Canadian education association. In that journal, which I had not discussed with anyone, was an article very short about teaching machines and very young children. The picture this scenario with which the article opened, it may have even been called picture this, was of a child looking at a figure eight on a television screen, rolling it on its side, squeezing it together, et cetera. It was a bit of media flotsam that my brother or something working through my brother was able to lift right out of my mind weeks after I had forgotten it. Something able to refashion and use the image in whatever absurd way that it wished. (gentle music) (gentle music) (upbeat music) {END} Wait Time : 0.00 sec Model Load: 0.68 sec Decoding : 1.77 sec Transcribe: 1389.28 sec Total Time: 1391.73 sec